In our continuing efforts to keep our staff and customers safe while maintaining consistent business practices during the COVID-19 outbreak, the Division of Water has developed an online application submission portal ( ). This service is being offered as an alternative to hand-delivery and/or mail-in applications for licenses and permits issued by our Division. While this tool was developed to help the Division better serve our customers during this period, it is our intention to keep this service available for routine submissions once we have returned to normal business practices.
Submissions are now allowed and encouraged for the following applications:
- Septic Permits
- Site Evaluation
- Septic Inspections
- Septic System Repair/Component Replacement
- Authorization to Use Existing System
- Holding Tanks (New/Replacement/Repair for Private Systems)
- Septic Site Waiver Request
Wetlands & Subaqueous:
- Letters of Authorization & Statewide Activity Approvals
- New Permit or Lease
- Supplemental Approval for Lease/Permit
- Jurisdictional Determination Requests
- Water Quality Certification
- Wetlands Permit
Water Supply:
- Water Allocation Permits
- Well Permits (use existing application)
- Well Driller (New & Renewal)
- Liquid Waste Hauler (New & Renewal)
- Wastewater Operator (New &Renewal)
We hope to be adding additional applications to this service in the near future as time and resources will allow.
Please note that this service is for submission and payment only, and electronic submission does not constitute application approval. The technical review and approval of applications submitted through this service will be processed by the appropriate staff in a manner consistent with all previous practices.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide scanned/digital versions of all necessary documentation that would otherwise be required for the hard-copy submission of these applications. It is also the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the submitted files are legible and complete.
Submission through this service will require the use of a modern web browser (i.e. Chrome, Edge, Safari, etc.) and a three-step process by the applicant:
- The initial, one-time creation of a Digital DNREC profile account through which the applications are submitted. Please note that in order to make this service available quickly we are asking that users create “Individual” accounts for the time being. Users will be given the opportunity to provide their Business information when submitting an application, which we can then use at a later date to create Business accounts, if desired by the applicants.
- The upload and the submission of the application and supporting documentation in PDF, JPG, or PNG format; after which the submission will be reviewed by program staff to evaluate that it is correct and complete. We are requesting that the uploaded files be named with applicant’s name and date (e.g. Smith, John – 042420.pdf).
- After review of the submission, the applicant will receive email notification that the application has been accepted and be directed to the payment portal, if payment is required. Only after payment has been made will the application be considered complete and placed in the queue for processing.
Any subsequent communication regarding the technical review and processing of the application, up to and including final permit issuance, will be via email correspondence. Hardcopies of any issued permit/approval can be requested separately but may experience handling/mailing delays.
Please note that the Division will still be accepting hardcopy submissions, however, those submissions may experience significant processing and transmission delays. Therefore, we are strongly encouraging applicants to use the Application Submission Portal so that the applications can be processed more efficiently.
We understand that this is a challenging time and we are working to help our businesses and citizens get the services they need in the timeframe that they have come to expect. We believe that this service will help substantially in that regard, now and into the future. Please feel free to contact the Division at (302) 739-9949 should you have any questions.
We appreciate your patience, cooperation, and flexibility during the current situation.